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7 reasons why supplements are important for everyone Charlotte Labee Supplements

7 reasons why supplements are important for everyone

More and more often we are warned in the media about taking supplements, and for good reason. If you do not know what you are taking and therefore regularly take too high doses or the wrong combinations, supplements can do more harm than good to your health.

For example, too high a dose of vitamin B6 can cause damage to your nervous system, one of the reasons we at Charlotte Labee Supplements choose an active form of B6. With adaptogenic herbs, the advice is to take a stop month after 3 months. And some supplements do not go well with medication. These are just three reasons why we advise against experimenting with supplements yourself.

That is not to say that nutrients are not essential. In fact, they are, for everyone. There is just no one-size-fits-all.

For millions of years, nature has given us everything we need to survive and thrive. So back then, supplements were not necessary to achieve optimal health.

But unfortunately, we no longer live in the world of yesteryear; so much has changed! From the way we produce food to how we deal with stress.

This is why we see in practice that a lot of people benefit from supplementation. Our current lifestyle can cause unnoticed nutrient deficiencies, the effects of which you don't notice until later or attribute to other causes.

Here are 7 reasons why supplements are important for everyone.

1. Processed foods provide fewer nutrients

Of all the food we buy in the supermarket, 90 percent is factory processed to make it as cheap, fast and mass-produced as possible. This processing is harmful to the natural nutrients in products AND chemicals are added that in turn are harmful to us. Those chemical nutrients are harder to digest, which costs more energy. And we get less nutrients! This is rapidly leading to a nutrient deficiency.

2. Agricultural practices impoverish the soil

Even in agriculture, the goal is to make as much money as possible, and thus produce as cheaply, quickly and as much as possible. Farming methods are optimized to achieve this goal, but this also brings unwanted consequences. For example, much agricultural land is being depleted, which causes crops to contain fewer nutrients.

A Swiss study compared the difference in nutrients between certain fruits and vegetables from 1985 to 2002. What turned out: in less than twenty years, broccoli contained 55 percent less magnesium, spinach 76 percent less calcium and apple 60 percent less vitamin C! Therefore, even a healthy diet does not say everything.

3. Food is produced less locally

Mass production means our food comes from further and further away, which also means it is much less fresh once it is on your plate. Every day that passes after harvest, fruits and vegetables lose a little of their nutritional value. Local food that comes fresh from the land therefore contains a lot more nutrients.

4. We spend less time in the sun

Primal man was always outside and therefore received an optimal amount of daylight. Nowadays, many of us work indoors and in the winter we leave home in the dark, and return home in the dark as well. When we do go outside, we wrap up thickly or apply sunscreen. All this causes us to barely absorb vitamin D, whereas sunlight is the main source of it. It is therefore wise to eat plenty of food rich in vitamin D, or to supplement this nutrient.

5. Free radicals in our environment are increasing

Free radicals are harmful substances in our environment. You find them everywhere. For example in processed food, (cigarette) smoke, cosmetics, air pollution and heavy metals. If the amount of free radicals in your body cells becomes too high, it can be harmful. So your body needs to get rid of these radicals and uses many nutrients to do so, which you also need for other important body processes. So you need extra of these nutrients to avoid building up deficiencies.

6. Low-grade inflammation consumes many nutrients

Many people today suffer from chronic or low-grade inflammation. These are not dangerous inflammation, but your immune system sees it that way and is constantly at work because of it. This can cause you to be constantly tired. This is because your immune system uses extra energy as well as nutrients to fight off the inflammation in vain. This can also cause a nutrient deficiency in the body, which can be supplemented with supplements.

7. Poor digestion reduces absorption

Eating healthy does not guarantee that your body will absorb all nutrients properly. Our digestion is responsible for this, and it does not function optimally in everyone. In the normal situation, the enteric nervous system in your intestines releases enzymes that help digest food. Stress disrupts this function, making your body less able to absorb nutrients. In that case, you need additional nutrients to get enough, but it is also advisable to address the cause of your digestive problems!

How do you know which supplements are right for you?

It is clear that supplements are a valuable addition for almost everyone, but as mentioned, there is no one-size-fits-all. That's why we like to work with you to help you make the right choices among the many supplements available.

The free* supplements advice starts with an intake form so our therapists can gain insight into your lifestyle, any complaints, possible medication use and more. Based on this, you will receive a customized advice to further help you find the right balance in your nutrients.

The cost for this personal supplement consultation is €15.95 but you will receive this back in the form of a voucher so you can spend it on the right supplements for you!

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