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Complete your digital library with the "Charlotte Labee e-book" collection. Each e-book is carefully written to introduce you to methods for greater happiness and health in a modern and accessible way. From practical tips to self-reflection, each Charlotte Labee e-book offers valuable insights and practical tools to stimulate your personal growth.
Charlotte Labee Supplements

Who is Charlotte Labee?

Charlotte Labee is Brain Balance expert, founder of Brain Balance Institute and Charlotte Labee Supplements, speaker, trainer and author and helps people get in balance. In balance with themselves and their daily existence, allowing them to experience more happiness, health and joy in their lives. She has now completed various trainings including: 'Neural Cause Effects', Mody Mind Reset', EMDR, Hypnosis Therapy, Orthomolecular Therapy to epigenetics and many more. She is also the author and creator of the Brain Balance methodology.

''You must have read this book, beautifully written and it really made me feel something and also recognizable. Fine handles that are offered in the book! For me this is a very magical book and gives support in my process. Thank you Charlotte.

Your Powerful Brain Book

''I've been doing brain balance for a while, but this book is another eye opener! Great to grab back in when old patterns come up again. Especially the last part about more balance in 10 weeks is very practical.''

Overexcited Brain Book

''Wow what a lovely journal; and lots of information and practical daily things to write down and space for everything you want to put on paper. Very nice this combination.''

 C vd E
Brain Balance Journal

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