
Who is Charlotte Labee?
Charlotte Labee is Brain Balance expert, founder of Brain Balance Institute and Charlotte Labee Supplements, speaker, trainer and author and helps people get in balance. In balance with themselves and their daily existence, allowing them to experience more happiness, health and joy in their lives. She has now completed various trainings including: 'Neural Cause Effects', Mody Mind Reset', EMDR, Hypnosis Therapy, Orthomolecular Therapy to epigenetics and many more. She is also the author and creator of the Brain Balance methodology.
''Extremely happy with the Vegan Collagen Formation! After getting skin reactions (bumps) from an animal version of another brand, I didn't really dare to use it anymore. But this Vegan formula exceeds my expectations, even my skin therapist sees an improvement in my skin. My skin glows more, lines seem softer.''
''You must have read this book, beautifully written and it really made me feel something and also recognizable. Fine handles that are offered in the book! For me this is a very magical book and gives support in my process. Thank you Charlotte.
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