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seasonal changes

The impact of seasonal changes on your hormones and how to stay balanced

Seasonal changes not only bring changes in temperature and daylight, but also directly affect our hormones. Our bodies constantly adapt to the environment, and the transition from winter to spring or summer to fall can affect our mood, energy levels and even sleep quality. How exactly does this happen? And how do you make sure your hormones stay balanced? 

How do seasonal changes affect your hormones?

Many of our hormones are regulated by our biological clock, which is heavily influenced by light and temperature. Seasonal changes can therefore cause changes in the production and functioning of certain hormones, such as:

  • Melatonin - This is the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake rhythm. In winter, when the days are shorter, your body makes more melatonin, which can make you feel more tired. In summer, with longer days, melatonin production is actually suppressed, making you more energetic.
  • Cortisol - This hormone is also known as the "stress hormone," but did you know that cortisol also causes you to wake up in the morning? This is called the "cortisol awakening response. This process depends on external factors, the most important of which is daylight.
  • Serotonin - In both sunlight and bright daylight, your body makes more of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. Therefore, in spring and summer, more serotonin is produced, which often results in a better mood. In the fall and winter, a lack of sunlight can lead to a dip in serotonin, which can cause gloom or the well-known winter dip.
  • Vitamin D - Yes, vitamin D is also a hormone! It is produced in your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. This hormone plays an essential role in calcium absorption, supporting your immune system and maintaining strong bones and muscles. During seasonal changes, the amount of sunlight changes and thus your vitamin D levels. You can notice this in your health.

Tips for your hormones during seasonal changes

Fortunately, there are ways to support your body during these hormonal fluctuations.

1. Provide adequate daylight

Try to go outside daily, especially in the morning. This helps regulate melatonin and serotonin, which helps you sleep better and keeps your mood more stable.

2. Keep moving

Exercise helps regulate cortisol and serotonin, reducing stress and improving your mood. Choose a form of exercise that suits the season, such as hiking in the fall or swimming in the summer.

3. Adjust your diet to the season

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables to give your body the right nutrients. In autumn and winter you can opt for warming dishes, while in spring and summer light and fresh meals are more appropriate.

4. Support your body with supplements

Supplements can also help keep your body balanced:

  • Especially for the warmer months we have the summer supplement package developed. This contains all the necessary nutrients to support your energy level and resistance during this time of year.
  • In the colder months, this winter supplement package ideal. It contains all the necessary supplements and the interesting e-book "boost your immune system". So you have everything you need to get through the autumn and winter fit.
  • If you find that you find the seasonal changes difficult and are a little less comfortable in your skin, is Ashwagandha is also a fine supplement. This particular herb supports in stressful situations.

5. Create a regular sleep rhythm

Try to go to bed and get up around the same time every day, even when the seasons change. This helps your biological clock adjust and ensures better sleep.

6. Listen to your body

Do you notice that you need more rest in the winter or are more active in the summer? This is quite normal. We see the same thing in nature: animals hibernate, while trees and plants save their energy to bloom again in spring. Each season has its own rhythm and symbolism-winter represents rest and reflection, spring represents growth and renewal, summer represents full bloom and vitality, and autumn represents letting go and change. Tune your lifestyle to the seasons and the signals your body gives.


Seasonal changes are inevitable, but by making conscious choices you can support and balance your hormones. Get plenty of daylight, adjust your diet, keep moving and support your body with the right supplements. Don't forget to listen to your body's signals. Every season has something beautiful! 

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