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First aid for pregnancy ailments: tips for moms-to-be

First aid for pregnancy ailments: tips for moms-to-be

For many women, pregnancy is a wonderful and unique gift, an unforgettable period and a wonderful journey in which a miracle grows in your belly for 9 months. But pregnancy is also often characterized by pregnancy ailments such as nausea, constipation, anemia, heartburn, ligament pain and more. In this blog we discuss some common pregnancy ailments and possible solutions!

Pregnancy ailments, what can you do about them?

Many expectant mothers experience pregnancy ailments that range from mild and uncomfortable to sometimes very severe. Fortunately, there are natural ways to alleviate these ailments and promote the well-being of both mother and baby.

(Morning) nausea 2.

Nausea is one of the most common pregnancy ailments, especially in the first trimester, and is caused by the pregnancy hormone HCG. Fresh ginger tea can provide relief from nausea. Nausea is also a protector for the mom and the baby-to-be. Because mom is nauseous she takes it easier, which can save energy that is much needed for pregnancy. 

2. Fatigue

Many pregnant women experience fatigue, especially in the first and third trimesters. A well-balanced supplement containing iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 can support energy levels, but always consult with an obstetrician or gynecologist.

Do you sleep worse during pregnancy or experience cramping during the night? A magnesium supplement can support this.

In addition, it is incredibly important to listen to your body carefully and also give in to fatigue when needed! Schedule breaks more often, especially in the beginning, and ask for help when needed!

3. Heartburn

Pressure from the uterus on the stomach can cause heartburn. You can alleviate this by eating smaller portions and chewing well. In addition, try not to eat anything before bedtime (about 3 hours beforehand). Finally, sufficient relaxation and exercise is important and it may help to sleep on an extra pillow so that your head is just a little bit higher!

4. Obstipation

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, often caused by the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. High-fiber foods can promote bowel function and help reduce constipation, as can drinking plenty of water, preferably outside of meals.

The hormone progesterone also plays a role. Progesterone is very important during pregnancy but has the disadvantage of retaining fluid and making the bowels work slower.

Continue to exercise sufficiently to promote bowel movements, eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit a day, and feel nuts, seeds and kernels added to your meals daily.

5. Tire pain

Tire pain is similar to a severe menstrual cramp, sharp pains in the lower abdomen. A nice warm jug can bring relief, as can a magnesium supplement. Magnesium plays a role in maintaining smooth muscles and thus can reduce tire pain.

But even with tire pain, listen to your body and get plenty of rest.

Get a massage more often and take a nice bath with magnesium flakes more often to relax your entire body.

In conclusion.

It is important to realize that you have a little miracle in your belly, growing daily and that this requires a lot of energy. Adjust your daily routines and don't set the bar so high for yourself, your body is already doing so much. Meditations and visualizations are recommended against all ailments. And as an extra tip, keep talking to your baby, how you feel and that the baby is safe and welcome.

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