Do you use your protein powder only to make a shake? Super tasty of course, but so much more is possible! For example, how about a delicious Chunky Monkey ice cream! This is so super delicious, and healthy too!
Ingredients for 2 persons:
3 frozen bananas
3 Medjoul dates
5 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
1 vanilla pod
40 gr 85% dark chocolate
8 walnuts
2 scoops of protein powder
1. Peel the bananas and place them in slices (in a suitable container or freezer bag) in the freezer for at least 5 hours;
2. Heat the almond milk along with the marrow from the vanilla pod in a saucepan and let it cool again;
3. Coarsely chop the walnuts and chocolate and cut the dates into pieces;
4. Blend all ingredients in a blender or with a hand blender and sprinkle with some additional walnuts and chocolate, if desired;
5. Enjoy! But I'm sure you will.