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First aid for hay fever Charlotte Labee Supplements

First aid for hay fever

Spring is breaking; the sun is shining, the temperature is rising and the flowers are blooming. Delightful! Right? Not for people who suffer from hay fever... All they see? Pollen! That's why Orthomolecular and kPNI therapist Laura Delrio wrote an article about it especially for you!

What is hay fever?

Sneezing, teary eyes, runny nose, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath and a dry throat ... the classic hay fever symptoms. In the Netherlands alone, over one million people are expected to suffer from hay fever. It is a form of allergic rhinitis - an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This inflammation is caused by hypersensitivity to pollen, grasses, plants and/or trees. Is there anything we can do about it?

What is the cause of hay fever?

One of the things we always see in hay fever sufferers is an overactive immune system. The symptoms arise from the release of too much histamine - a body's own substance that fights foreign substances in the body. So the body thinks the pollen coming in is harmful to the body, when it is not.

The body then produces too much histamine, which is secreted through the nasal and/or eye mucosa, causing the symptoms. Especially in spring and summer, when everything is in bloom and more pollen is released into the air.

Advice for hay fever

With hay fever sufferers, there are a number of things that are important to restore health and reduce or eliminate symptoms. I've listed them for you!

Avoiding histamine-rich foods

To ensure that you do not ingest even more histamine, it is wise to avoid foods rich in histamine. Histamine can be found in chocolate, pork, beer, red wine, E numbers, tomato, kiwi and licorice, among others.

Foods rich in flavanoids

The foods you do want to eat when suffering from hay fever are rich in flavanoids. Flavanoids have an antihistamine effect, which is something you can put to good use with hay fever symptoms! Consider bell peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, green tea, blue grapes and red fruits.

Restore the intestinal barrier

Our health is related to our gut health. To strengthen the immune system, it is important to restore the gut microbiome. In doing so, it is very important to maintain a healthy and varied diet. Eat plenty of vegetables, healthy fats and proteins. Our pre/probiotic supplement contains live bacteria that can help restore gut health.

Support the immune system with supplements

Due to the overactivity of the immune system, your health is not optimal with hay fever. Therefore, it is even more important to provide your body with extra nutrients.

During hay fever season, use 6 capsules of Ester C 650 divided throughout the day (with meals), for example, 3x2 per day.

Support restoration of gut and liver health with Muco and use Collagen for mucous membranes. Later you can add a pre/probiotic supplement to this.

If you have any doubts or questions, you may always request a free supplement consultation. Then I, or one of my colleagues, will check with you!

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