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Benefits of pets

What are the benefits of pets?

In our busy world, where stress and tension often prevail, pets can be a source of comfort and joy. While we are all aware of the unconditional love pets provide (and the extra steps we take while walking the dog), the health benefits of having a loyal four-legged friend or wayward cat are also well worth sharing this Animal Day!

In this article, we discuss 4 ways pets contribute to our health and well-being. What are the benefits of pets? Do they indeed contribute to our health?

1. Oxytocin, the love hormone

Oxytocin, also called the "love hormone," is a substance in our bodies that is released when we show affection, cuddle or even just look at our loved ones (and therefore pets)!

This hormone plays a crucial role in reducing stress, improving mood and strengthening our emotional bonds. By simply spending time with friends, family or other loved ones such as our pets, we stimulate the production of oxytocin, which makes us feel happier and more relaxed.

2. Pets as emotional mirrors

Pets have an incredible ability to pick up on our emotions. They can read our moods and respond with unconditional support and affection. When we are sad, they come to us to offer comfort. When we are happy, they share in our joy and wag at us. Do you recognize that? That when you are sad, your cat suddenly comes to give you head and your dog lays his or her head on your lap?

This mutual understanding creates a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of loneliness, which is essential for good mental health.

3. A listening ear, without judgment

Sometimes there is nothing more healing than expressing our thoughts and feelings. Pets, in all their unconditional love, act as the perfect listening ear. They don't judge, they don't interrupt and they don't offer unsolicited advice. By talking to our pets, we can share our fears, worries, doubts but also joys, which has a therapeutic effect on our mental health!

4. Anthropomorphism: The Power of Empathy

Anthropomorphism (or attributing human characteristics to animals) enhances our empathy and compassion. When we see our pets as beings with feelings, it not only increases our understanding of them, but also of other living beings around us. This empathetic approach improves our emotional intelligence and contributes to a more positive outlook on life.

Good health encompasses many facets, from nutrients to exercise to adequate sleep to relaxation. But our mental well-being is also essential to good health. And having a pet can contribute to that.  

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