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Preventing overstimulation

How can you prevent overstimulation?

In our rapidly changing world where we are inundated with (digital) information flows, the pressure to perform is high and life has high demands, overstimulation is lurking. Are you often tired, restless, overwhelmed? Do you suffer from unexplained symptoms and feel like you are treading water? In this article, we take a closer look at the topic of overstimulation. What is an overstimulated brain, how does it occur and how can you prevent overstimulation? We conclude the article with five tips to help you master overstimulation in the future!

What is an overstimulated brain?

An overstimulated brain occurs when the nervous system receives more stimuli than it can process - it can no longer properly process both internal and external stimuli.

This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbances. People with an overstimulated brain often experience a more intense response to stimuli such as light, sound, touch and emotions. And this can significantly interfere with daily functioning!

An overstimulated brain has everything to do with our brain filter. This brain filter ensures that we don't have to consciously process all the stimuli we receive on a daily basis, but when over-stimulated, this filter no longer works properly. The brain filter is designed to let only the important filters through to your conscious brain system, all other stimuli are sent to your subconscious and stored there. Therefore, when the brain filter does not perform this function, your brain faces an overload of stimuli.

What are the causes of overstimulation?

An overstimulated brain can have several causes. We list some of the causes below.

  1. Chronic stress: Long-term stress increases the nervous system's sensitivity to stimuli, which can lead to overstimulation.
  2. Sensitivity: Some people are genetically more susceptible to overstimulation because of their biological predisposition.
  3. Environmental factors: Excessive use of digital devices, noise, crowds and insufficient rest can contribute to an overstimulated brain.
  4. Health conditions: Neurological disorders such as autism, ADHD and fibromyalgia can increase sensitivity to stimuli.

How can you prevent overstimulation?

If you want to prevent overstimulation, it is essential to identify the cause of your overstimulated brain. Only when you get to the root of the problem will you experience real improvement. Could you use some help with this in the form of coaching? Our therapists are happy to help!

Furthermore, it is important to rebalance both your physical and mental health. The following tips can help with this.

  1. Support your brain with the right nutrients: For example, magnesium, vitamin C and various B vitamins contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and these nutrients are good for mental energy, memory and contribute to brain and nerve functions involved in reasoning.

    But also our ourRelax a Busy Mindsupplement can help keep your mind clear by adding zinc and iron. Iron supports fatigue and energy levels. Zinc also keeps you balanced in stressful situations. In addition, this supplement contains vitamin B12, which contributes to normal psychological function and nervous system as well as supports with fatigue. Finally, this supplement contains passionflower* which can help with restlessness.
  2. Digital Detox: Limit daily screen use and create moments of digital detox to reduce exposure to excessive stimuli.
  3. Meditating: Meditating has tremendous benefits. When you meditate, you focus your attention entirely on yourself and your internal processes, allowing external factors and stimuli to fade into the background. This gives your brain time to unwind and clear away stimuli, so to speak. Doing breathing exercises and moments of mindfulness also help you relax.
  4. Go into nature: According to scientific research, seeing nature has an immediate positive effect on your brain: you produce more happiness hormones and feel less stress. So nature literally has a healing effect!
  5. Take a critical look at your lifestyle: get enough quality sleep, exercise daily and avoid extra stimuli in the form of sugars, alcohol and processed foods. When you are in balance, overstimulation is less likely and you feel calmer, more energetic and like you can take on the world!

A combination of adequate rest and relaxation, healthy diet, adequate exercise, stress management and the right supplements can help reduce overstimulation. Are you experiencing severe symptoms over an extended period of time? Then we advise you to contact a doctor.

*Claim pending European approval  

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