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Resistance during winter

Increasing your resistance during the winter

Snotty, tired, fluish or just a little out of sorts. Perhaps you recognize it during this time of year. During the winter months our resistance can use some extra love and attention. In this blog we would like to give you some tips on how to boost your resistance during the winter.


Why is your resistance lower in winter?

The temperature and humidity during the winter months are ideal for bacteria and viruses. This is because they can survive well during these weather conditions. Our body does not like these weather conditions as much, because it is more difficult to maintain your body temperature. The blood vessels in your nose and throat constrict, so less blood flows to them. This reduces resistance and makes the mucous membranes in the nose and throat more susceptible to infections.

How do you increase your resistance during winter? Read 5 tips below!

  1. Make healthy choices

Hoewel je in de winter meer behoefte kan hebben aan suikers (doorlinken naar artikel: /blogs/blog/winter-cravings-meer-trek-in-suiker-dit-seizoen), is het voor je weerstand van belang om gezonde keuzes te blijven maken. Je darmen worden tijdens deze maanden extra blij van vezels, en gezonde darmen dragen bij aan een gezonde weerstand. Wist je dat 80% van ons immuunsysteem zich in onze darmen bevindt. Daarom is het belangrijk om zo gezond mogelijk te eten.[1]

  1. Make sure there is plenty of relaxation

Too much stress and a good resistance do not go together. In fact, too much stress lowers resistance and can cause many unpleasant ailments. Take enough time for yourself by, for example, meditating, journaling or reading.

  1. Exercise, preferably outdoors

Get plenty of exercise, preferably outdoors. Exercise not only has positive effects on your brain (link to blog post coming online Tuesday), but also on your immune system! Exercise regulates the immune system, making it better able to respond to infections.

  1. Establish a regular sleep rhythm

Do you often feel tired in the winter? That could be right, because during the winter months we need more sleep. Because it is dark longer, the production of melatonin increases. A good night's sleep and regular sleep patterns are extra important during these months.

  1. Offer your resistance extra support with supplements.

Basic supplements are always important for good health, but in the winter months there are some specific supplements that can support your resistance:

  • Vitamin D3/K2 (in capsules or liquid form
    To support the immune system, your mental resilience and calcium production.
  • Omega 3 (in capsules or liquid form)
    To support brain function and cognitive abilities, heart and vision.
  • Magnesium
    To support energy levels.
  • Ester C
    To support the immune system, energy levels and protection of the body's cells.
  • Zinc
    Contributes to the immune system, building (body) protein, maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails and supporting cognitive abilities such as learning performance, memory and problem solving.
  • Superfoods & greens
    Supplement daily diet with 31 nutrients.
  • Griffonia Simplicifolia & B6
    Vitamin B6 supports energy levels, is good for mood and contributes to hormone activity.

We find it important that a therapist always looks carefully with you to see which supplements suit you. This can be done through a personalized supplement consultation both in person and online. We recommend to look at your lifestyle and diet every 3 months, in combination with seasonal changes. So you can always take supplements based on what your body needs.


[1] /blogs/blog/krijg-gezonde-darmen-met-de-juiste-voeding?_pos=2&_psq=darmen&_ss=e&_v=1.0

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