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Why antioxidants are so important for your health Charlotte Labee Supplements

Why antioxidants are so important for your health

We are dealing with more and more toxins and this means that we need to arm ourselves against them more and more! Toxins have a negative impact on our health, making it extra important to get enough antioxidants. In this article we explain what toxins are, what antioxidants are and what you can do to stay healthy!

What are toxins?

Toxins are toxic substances that we encounter almost everywhere. We find them in packaging, cosmetics, cleaning products and in much of our food. We are a long way from escaping toxins today, but you can try to limit exposure. In fact, looking at food and drink, we find toxins mostly in processed foods, trans fats, flavor enhancers and sweeteners. In the environment, we often find toxins in drugs, exhaust fumes, pesticides, cleaning products and pharmaceuticals. By avoiding unhealthy foods, plastic packaging and non-organic products as much as possible, you limit your intake of toxins. But we can do even more...

The antidote!

When we are exposed to too many toxins, too many free radicals also enter our system. But fortunately, nature is so smart that antioxidants exist! Antioxidants counteract the process of oxidation and thus the release of free radicals. They counteract cell aging and work to protect against various chronic diseases. They support your immune system, work anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and protect our cells and tissues.

Tips for balancing free radicals and antioxidants

The balance between free radicals and antioxidants, like any balance in our system, is very important. Today, partly because of the amount of toxins, most people have a surplus of free radicals. Therefore, it is important to focus on antioxidants. We have five tips for you!

  1. Eat blueberries, raspberries, grapes, plums, kale, broccoli, carrots, spinach, Brussels sprouts, eggplant and onion. Choose seasonal organic fruits and vegetables to avoid exposure to toxins.
  2. Support your health with anti oxidative supplements such as vitamin C, Resveratrol* and Curcuma*. Request a free supplement consultation to have one of the therapists look at it with you!
  3. Drink green tea and plenty of water
  4. Use organic and natural skincare and haircare products. 
  5. Get started on a healthy (!) detox, more information on that can be found here.

Are you ready to get started on your health? Our therapists would love to check it out with you!

*Claims pending European clearance

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