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Cocoa healthy

Why is cocoa healthy?

Cacao, the magical bean from which chocolate is born, is many people's guilty pleasure. Not only because of its delicious taste, but also because of several impressive health benefits. In this article, we dive deeper into the benefits of cocoa. Why is cocoa healthy? And why is this particular ingredient a must for anyone striving for a healthier lifestyle?

What is cocoa?

The cacao bean is the basis for chocolate, but before it is processed into the delicacy we all know, it undergoes several steps of processing. Raw cacao, in the form of powder or nibs, retains the most nutrients and health benefits.

Fun fact: Cacao literally means "food of the gods."

Why is cocoa healthy?

Many people know that eating a piece of dark chocolate can make you feel happy. But cocoa has many other health benefits! We discuss them below.

1. Cacao is rich in antioxidants

Cocoa is a powerful source of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Antioxidants protect the body from harmful free radicals associated with aging and inflammation.

2. Cocoa supports the heart

The flavonoids in cocoa may help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. This may result in a reduced risk of heart disease. 

3. Cocoa improves brain function

Cocoa contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine can increase mental alertness. Theobromine increases blood flow which can lead to improved cognitive functions such as concentration, memory and problem-solving abilities. 

4. Cocoa boosts mood and energy

Cocoa can improve your mood and reduce stress because, among other things, it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in your brain that calms, relieves pain and increases relaxation.

In addition, cocoa contains phenylethylamine, a chemical associated with feelings of infatuation and euphoria.

5. Cocoa is a source of nutrients

Cocoa contains essential minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium and copper.

Magnesium is important for our energy levels, is good for fatigue and plays a role in our muscle function, nerve conduction and bone health. No other food source contains as much magnesium as cocoa.

Iron plays a crucial role in the transport of oxygen in the body and helps maintain cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.

Copper is needed for the formation of red blood cells and potassium is good for blood pressure, muscles and important for the nervous system. 

So is cocoa healthy? Yes definitely!

How can you use cocoa?

You can incorporate cocoa into your meals in different ways. For example, by eating a piece of dark chocolate, or by using good quality cocoa powder. What should you pay attention to?

1. The cocoa content

Always choose dark cocoa or dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. This ensures that you get the maximum health benefits without excess sugars and fats. 

2. Enjoy in moderation

Although cocoa offers numerous benefits, the advice is to consume it in moderation. Too much chocolate can lead to excessive calorie intake and can also cause caffeine-related side effects.

3. Combine cocoa with a healthy lifestyle

Although cocoa is healthy, it cannot compensate for an unhealthy lifestyle. Combine it with a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep for optimal results!

Cocoa healthy

Cacao Blend by Charlotte Labee Supplements

Would you like to enjoy the benefits of cocoa and more? Then our Cacao Mix is really for you. This cacao is 100% organic, rich in antioxidants of copper and manganese. It is also rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

In addition, a mushroom blend, maca extract and Brazilian ginseng have been added. Mushrooms are widely used by the indigenous tribes of Central America.

You can use our cocoa mix for a delicious chocolate milk (with a full teaspoon with a glass of hot or cold water, or vegetable milk), mix it into oatmeal, incorporate it into baked goods or add it to smoothies! It is also a fine alternative to coffee.

Cocoa has a subtle effect. Some people notice effects immediately, others only after using it for a while. You get the most benefits by drinking it regularly, and it is important to feel what and how much supports you best.

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