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Winter dip

Mental support during a winter dip

The time has come, the first snowflakes have fallen. When you think of winter, you think of snowmen, ice skating and hot chocolate in front of the fireplace. But also mood swings, gloomy feelings and less motivation to make something of the day - the well-known winter dip. 

Many people struggle with mental symptoms during the winter and find it harder to get out of bed. Do you recognize this, and would you like to enjoy these cozy, cold months again? Then read on!


The main reason that we feel different and perhaps bad in our skin in the winter is that we get less sunlight and therefore can produce less vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for an awful lot of processes in our bodies. Among other things, it supports the body's defenses.

We get 66 to 90 percent of our total amount of vitamin D from sunlight. We get the remaining 34 to 10 percent - if all goes well - from food, unless that too is deficient. For example, an important food source of vitamin D is fatty fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel. 


In addition, the amount of sunlight also affects our biological rhythm. This is because as soon as it gets dark, our brain receives a signal to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. In the winter months, the days are darker and so more melatonin is produced. The result? More fatigue. 

3 tips for mental support during a winter dip

Would you like to support yourself as much as possible these months? We are happy to share 3 fine tips with you:

  1. Get outside even in the winter months and take a nice walk or bike ride daily, even when the weather is harsh.
  2. Eat more vitamin D-rich foods. It is found mainly in fatty fish (salmon or mackerel), beef, cheese, eggs and to a lesser extent in nuts, for example, walnuts.
  3. Maintain a regular sleep rhythm. The lack of sunlight really upsets your biological rhythm. This effect is amplified when you maintain an irregular sleep rhythm, so try to avoid this and don't stay in bed too long, no matter how tempting!


Increase vitamin D supply

A lack of sunlight and thus vitamin D is at the root of winter blues. So it is important to change this first and expose yourself more to sunlight and increase your body's vitamin D supply. How?

During the months when there is plenty of sunshine (April - September), get outside enough. Do this daily between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for at least fifteen minutes (but preferably half an hour). At this time the UV rays are the strongest, even when it is cloudy. So, for example, take a nice walk during your lunch break. This is also good for your cognitive ability. Make sure that at least 5% to 10% of your body is uncovered so that there is enough skin free to absorb UV rays. In winter, however, the sun is not strong enough to make vitamin D through exposure to daylight. However, going outside daily in daylight is important for the production of serotonin, endorphins and your biorhythm. So do this even in winter!

Because you do not produce vitamin D through sunlight in the winter, it is essential to replenish your supply with a supplement from October to March.

Extra support with supplements

Basic supplements are always important for good health, but during the winter months there are some specific supplements that can support winter blues:

  • Vitamin D3/K2 (in capsules or liquid form)
    To support the immune system, your mental resilience and calcium production.
  • Omega 3 (in capsules or liquid form)
    To support brain function and cognitive abilities, heart and vision.
  • Magnesium
    To support energy levels.
  • Ester C
    To support the immune system, energy levels and protection of the body's cells.
  • Zinc
    Contributes to the immune system, building (body) protein, maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails and supporting cognitive abilities such as learning performance, memory and problem-solving ability.
  • Superfoods & greens
    Supplement the daily diet with 31 nutrients.
  • Griffonia Simplicifolia & B6
    Vitamin B6 supports energy levels, benefits mood and contributes to hormone activity.
  • Saffron
    To support positive mood and emotional balance*.

*Claims pending European approval

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