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How do you recognize an omega 3 deficiency?

How do you recognize an omega 3 deficiency?

If you want to understand how important omega 3 is to our brain, we need to look back to evolution. When humans started living closer to water and fish became a major food source, we began to ingest much more omega 3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. These fatty acids played a crucial role in the development of our brains and intelligence. Unfortunately, many Dutch people today are not getting enough omega 3, which can cause problems for both your body and brain. In this blog, we discuss how to recognize and prevent an omega 3 deficiency.

Here's how to recognize an omega 3 deficiency

Brain function

DHA represents as much as 40 percent of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in our brain. We also call it the lubricant for your brain and it plays an important role in its functioning. A deficiency in omega 3, therefore, you can notice reduced brain function. Your brain is important for your memory, concentration, responsiveness and countless other processes.

In addition, DHA also contributes to the development of an unborn baby's brain. Omega 3 can therefore support maternal and infant health during pregnancy. Research has shown that increased omega 3 intake during pregnancy is associated with several health benefits for the child.

Eye health

Omega 3 is good for our eyes. This is because DHA functions as an important building block for the brain and retina of the eyes. All day long, your eyes and brain work together to see sharply. If we are deficient in DHA, it can lead to impaired vision. There is also much research being done on the use of omega 3 supplementation for eye conditions such as macular degeneration. 

Heart and blood vessels

In environments where a lot of fish is eaten, a lot less cardiovascular disease occurs than in places where it is not, research has shown. This has everything to do with the increased intake of omega 3. Omega 3, in fact, has numerous positive effects on the heart and blood vessels. DHA and EPA help maintain healthy triglyceride levels in the blood, are beneficial for blood pressure and contribute to normal heart function.


When inflammation lingers too long in the body, we also call it chronic or low-grade inflammation. The balance between omega 6 and omega 3 plays a big role in this. They are both unsaturated fatty acids that your body cannot make itself. The difference is in this: omega 6 triggers inflammation and omega 3 ensures that the inflammation is ended again. With an omega 3 deficiency, therefore, we often have chronic low-grade inflammation.

Condition of the skin

Not only does omega 3 make you better on the inside, but you can also see a difference on the outside. This is because DHA is a building material of the skin and keeps the cell membranes healthy, of which the skin is largely composed. Healthy cell membranes keep the skin soft, supple and moisturized, which also slows the appearance of wrinkles. EPA also helps maintain a proper moisture balance in the skin and the production of skin fat.

How do you prevent a shortage?

Omega 3 fatty acids are mainly found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. For vegetarians and vegans, chia seeds, flaxseed and algae oil are good sources of ALA (a plant-based form of omega 3). Since the body converts only a small percentage of ALA to the active forms EPA and DHA, it may be helpful to consider a supplement with EPA and DHA, especially if you don't eat much fish.

Also read: What foods contain omega 3?

Test your omega 3 values

Would you like to know if your blood contains enough omega 3? Our omega 3 test provides instant insight into this. It is a self-test that you can easily take at home with a finger prick. The result gives you a clear picture of the amount of fatty acids in your blood. Nice to know what is good and especially where there is room for improvement. The report also contains personal advice on nutrition and supplementation. 

Order your omega 3 self-test here


Omega 3 is essential for the health of both your body and your brain, but many people do not get enough of it. A deficiency can be recognized by various complaints related to your brain function, condition of your eyes, cardiovascular system, skin and inflammation. If you doubt whether you get enough omega 3, you can always take an omega 3 self-test to check your levels. 

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