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Prostate health

Nutrition and prostate health

A healthy prostate is important for men's health. Every man has a prostate, it is a small gland located under the bladder. Among other things, it plays a role in the reproductive process, as it produces fluid in which the semen is protected. Urinary health can also be affected by the prostate. In addition to a physiological aspect, the prostate plays an energetic role in different cultures. For example, a healthy prostate represents male strength and self-expression. It is also associated with a source of life energy because the prostate is located in the sacral chakra.

Lifestyle and healthy eating

A healthy lifestyle is always important to have a healthy and strong body. The amount of exercise, the quality of sleep and also the food you take in affect overall health. As a man, if you want to focus on making sure your prostate is healthy, you can pay attention to eating certain foods.

Antioxidants and omega 3

Antioxidants have an important function in neutralizing free radicals. You get these radicals from Uv-radiation and pollution, for example. Antioxidants help neutralize the free radicals and maintain a good balance in the body. Antioxidants also help against oxidative stress.

Omega 3 acts anti-inflammatory and supports the heart and the contributes to the maintenance of normal blood lipid levels.

Nutrition and the prostate

  • Tomatoes: these contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can protect the prostate from free radical damage. When tomatoes are cooked, the lycopene is even more absorbable. Tomato sauce, for example, is very nice for this purpose.
  • Green leafy vegetables: such as spinach, kale and broccoli are high in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that can reduce inflammation and support prostate health.
  • Oily fish such as salmon and markreel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These are anti-inflammatory and may be beneficial for prostate health.
  • Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, a mineral important for prostate function. 
  • Green tea contains catechins, powerful antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and protect against prostate cancer.

A healthy diet is important for every healthy person. By making conscious choices in what foods you take in, you can often have a big impact on your health now and later. Go for the nutritious variety, preferably organic and as little processed food as possible. By doing so, you ensure that your body is nourished as much as possible and burdened as little as possible. In addition, it is important to seek medical advice when in doubt about prostate health.

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