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What vitamins do children need? Complete overview by age!

Supporting children's growth and development begins with varied and healthy foods. Yet it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from food alone - especially if your child is a picky eater. Supplements can then be a valuable addition.

In this blog you will discover which vitamins and supplements are important for healthy development, tailored to each age. From babies to teenagers, we give you a handy overview with practical tips so you can give your child the best start!

It starts before birth

A child's healthy development begins during pregnancy. During this stage, a mother lays the foundation for a healthy body and a functioning immune system in her baby. Nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids are essential during this period. Read all about it in our blog: supplements during pregnancy .

0-1 years: The beginning of a healthy foundation

Once your baby is born, the first year is hugely important for healthy development. You prefer to breastfeed because it contains the perfect composition of nutrients and is packed with immune substances that protect your little one from diseases. However, there are two vitamins that are often not sufficiently present in breast milk and therefore require extra attention: vitamin D and vitamin K.

Vitamin D: Important for bones and immune system

Starting at 1 week old, your baby needs at least 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily. This is important for the development of strong bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D plays an important role in supporting the immune system, which is in full development during the first stage of life.

Vitamin K: For blood clotting and bone formation

Vitamin K is given to your baby immediately after birth through a shot or drops to support blood clotting. This is a one-time dose. If breastfeeding, it is important afterwards to give your baby extra vitamin K2 daily, because breast milk does not contain enough of it. This helps not only with blood clotting, but also with the absorption of calcium into the bones.

Recommended supplement:

  • Vitamin K2/D3 drops - Ideal to give to young children. You can add it to milk, a snack or let them suck it off your finger. Ask our therapists for personal advice on the correct dosage. If you are breastfeeding, this is partly determined by your own vitamin D status.

1-3 years: Building blocks for growth and development

During the toddler phase, children grow at lightning speed, both physically and mentally. This requires adequate nutrients to support their bones, muscles and brain.

Vitamin D: Still a must

The advice remains to give children extra vitamin D, especially in the winter months. This helps with bone growth and supports their immune system, which is still developing.

Omega-3 fatty acids: For healthy brain development

Omega-3 is a group of fatty acids found mainly in oily fish. But let's face it: not every child loves salmon or mackerel. Supplements containing omega-3 can therefore be a godsend. These fatty acids are essential for brain development and vision.

Recommended supplements:

  • Vitamin K2/D3 drops.: Supports bones and the immune system, which is still developing. Ask our therapists for personal advice on the correct dosage.
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil: The oil is easy to dose and does not taste like fish. You calculate the intake per day with this formula: 0.15 ml of omega 3 oil x kilogram of body weight.

4-12 years: Learning, playing and growing

This is the age when your child is actively discovering the world. From school days to sports clubs - their bodies and minds are challenged considerably. At this stage, children are not only growing fast physically, but their brains are also developing at a rapid pace. This calls for a diet that provides all the essential nutrients. But fair is fair: not every child eats enough vegetables, fruits and other healthy products without grumbling. Supplements can therefore be a godsend to make up for any deficiencies.

Multivitamin: An all-round supplement

While a healthy diet remains the foundation, it's nice to make sure your child doesn't lack anything. A good multivitamin can help supplement daily vitamin and mineral needs.

Vitamin D and omega-3: Essential for growth and brain

Vitamin D remains important because it contributes to strong bones and the immune system. This is especially needed when children spend little time outside or in winter, when sunlight is scarce. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA, are important for the brain. Useful for school-age children who have to process a lot of new information daily.

 Recommended supplements:

  • Multi Kids: A carefully chosen blend of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a convenient chewable tablet. Use 1 chewable tablet per day.
  • Vitamin K2/D3 drops: Remains important to support a healthy skeleton and a properly functioning immune system. Use 1 drop per day, up to 5 days per week.
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil: As your child gets older and heavier, the dosage may also go up. Calculate the intake per day using this formula: 0.15 ml of omega 3 oil x kilograms of body weight.

From age 12: Adolescents and their unique needs

Puberty is a period full of changes. Teenagers grow considerably in a short period of time, their hormones are in flux, and they develop mentally at lightning speed. This combination means they have a higher need for nutrients to optimally support their bodies and minds. It is important at this stage of life that they have enough energy and resistance to cope with school, sports and social activities.

Vitamin D and K: The basics remain important

It is difficult to produce enough vitamin D from sunlight, especially in the Netherlands, where the sun is only strong enough for vitamin D production for a few weeks a year. We therefore see vitamin D as a basic supplement for young and old, to support the immune system and bones. Vitamin K supports vitamin D in its action.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Lubricating oil for the brain

Our brain is composed of about 60% fats, especially the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. This is why we call it the lubricant for your brain. DHA supports normal brain function and helps maintain cognitive functions, such as concentration and memory - something many adolescents benefit from, especially during exams or other busy periods.

Multivitamin: The Daily Basis

A good multivitamin helps meet the increased nutritional needs of teens. These include zinc (for skin), iron (for energy), and B vitamins (for good concentration and energy production). This is especially helpful when teens don't always eat healthy, such as due to busy schedules, irregular meals or a poor appetite.

Magnesium: For energy and muscles

Magnesium is invaluable during puberty. It is good for muscles, mood and helps reduce fatigue. This mineral is especially helpful for teens who exercise a lot or are busy with school or other obligations.

Vitamin C: Resistance and focus

Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps with iron absorption, which is important during this intense growth period. In addition, vitamin C contributes to brain and nerve functions involved in reasoning ability. Adolescents can be in their heads a lot and have difficulty putting things into perspective. Extra vitamin C supports their psychological function and state of mind.

 Recommended supplements:


Each stage of life requires specific vitamins and minerals. From babies who need vitamin D and K for a healthy start, to adolescents who also benefit from omega-3, magnesium and a good multivitamin. Have questions about which supplements are best for your child? Ask our free supplements advice for personal advice. That way you can be sure you're making the right choices!


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