Hoe herken je een collageen tekort?
Collageen is een belangrijk eiwit dat je huid, haar, nagels, gewrichten en botten ondersteunt. Een tekort aan collageen kan leiden tot verschillende klachten die je kwaliteit van leven kunnen beïnvloeden....
Collageen is een belangrijk eiwit dat je huid, haar, nagels, gewrichten en botten ondersteunt. Een tekort aan collageen kan leiden tot verschillende klachten die je kwaliteit van leven kunnen beïnvloeden....
Wist je dat je met voeding de natuurlijke aanmaak van collageen in het lichaam kunt stimuleren? Door je levensstijl kun je de afgifte van collageen in je lichaam verlagen, maar...
Earlier, we published an article on why sunlight is so important to us. But how do you use the sun wisely? We share that with you below! Make sure...
Dandruff, also known as dandruff, is a common and annoying problem that affects the scalp. It is often accompanied by white flakes that appear on the scalp as well as clothing...
In the world of beauty and health, collagen is the talk of the day. This most abundant protein in our bodies is not only essential for radiant skin, but...
Cinnamon, everyone knows it, and it's actually never missing from our spice supply. But did you know that cinnamon is more than just a tasty flavoring? 1. Powerful medicinal properties...
Collagen is hot! In magazines and TV commercials, people mainly emphasize the beauty-related properties of collagen, such as more beautiful skin, hair and nails. Consequently, we notice that there are...
Collagen is the building block of healthy skin, hair, nails, joints and more. But before you buy just any collagen powder, there are some important considerations you should...
A wonderful time, the holidays. But after a period of many dinners, glasses of wine and extra desserts, you may feel bloated, tired and lifeless. So time to recover!....
Self-love is about the positive relationship you have and maintain with yourself. Self-love is the basis for a healthy and fulfilling life, and it enables us to...
Our hormones play an important role in regulating the various processes and functions of the body, including on the outside. This means that when our hormones are not in...
Skin problems can have a huge impact on your self-confidence, as well as cause a lot of frustration. Whether it's acne, eczema, dry skin, gray skin, wrinkles or other conditions. Your...
Silicon, also known as silica, is one of the most abundant minerals on earth. It is somewhat less well known, but that is slowly beginning to change. And that ...
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. And what does collagen do: it plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and firmness of your skin, hair,...