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The benefits of cinnamon Charlotte Labee Supplements

The 5 benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon, everyone knows it, and it's actually never missing from our spice supply. But did you know that cinnamon is more than just a tasty flavoring? 1. Powerful medicinal properties...

chronic stress

Reducing chronic stress, how do you do it?

Chronic stress has many negative health consequences, mentally and physically. Often reducing stress is the only solution, but how do you break that stress cycle you're stuck in? We...

Blood sugar & the brain Charlotte Labee Supplements

Blood sugar levels & the brain

Your blood sugar, you've probably heard of it before. But why is stability in blood sugar so important for the brain? And what are the disadvantages if this is not so...

Everything you need to know about the gut Charlotte Labee Supplements

Everything you need to know about the gut

Due to a Westerste lifestyle, the intestines have a pretty tough time. The average Dutch person eats a lot of fast carbohydrates, think bread, crackers, pasta, cookies, muesli and meal bars....

All about PMS! Charlotte Labee Supplements

All about PMS!

That cramp in your lower abdomen, sensitive breasts, a temper to boot, things falling out of your hands, lots of cravings for yummy sweet and fatty snacks. The scale...

All about zinc Charlotte Labee Supplements

All about zinc

What do you think of when you think of zinc? A zinc bucket, gutter or zinc ointment? Zinc is added in a lot of products, think of skin creams against eczema or acne, baby products against diaper rash....

All about binge eating Charlotte Labee Supplements

All about binge eating

Binge eating is a common way to eat away an empty feeling, literally and figuratively. Feelings of stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, feelings of depression and a lack of self-confidence can prompt...

6 fine tips for a relaxing morning routine Charlotte Labee Supplements

6 fine tips for a relaxing morning routine

Over-stimulated and stressed, we are all too often in our current society, unfortunately. But symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, decreased focus, lower libido or a short fuse are...

Tips for a relaxing night's sleep

4 tips for a good night's sleep

Do you almost never manage to fall asleep quickly? Do you stare at the ceiling for hours, feel restlessness in your body or keep brooding? Big chance...

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